Discover how gamification can ⠀revolutionize your marketing strategies⠀ by enhancing customer engagement, loyalty, and conversion rates. See your brand captivate audiences like never before with our promotional campaigns.
Engage people with quizzes, challenges, and interactive ads that not only entertain but also educate and convert your target audience
Encourage repeated interactions and foster a deeper connection with your brand by implementing gamified loyalty programs that reward customers with points, badges, and exclusive rewards
Boost your social media presence with gamified strategies and create vibrant communities where users actively participate and promote your brand
For Example:
Present Box 2.0
Over several days, users who made purchases above a certain amount could open a gift box in the app. Each day, the value of the gifts increased. Users had to shout into the phone's microphone to open the box.
Goal: ⠀Create a unique viral mechanic to ensure high conversion and retention during promotional events
Development Time: ⠀6 weeks
Conversion rates exceeded planned metrics by 60%
Average user engagement in the promotion lasted 3 days in a row
Discount Tree
Participants had to grow and care for "discount trees" during the promotion. Upon reaching a certain day in the game, users could harvest coupons from the tree to use for purchases on the platform.
Goal: ⠀Engage users through a "farm" mechanic to utilize various discounts and coupons on the platform
Development Time: ⠀16 weeks
results: ⠀The game attracted over 100,000 daily active users.
contact us
Interested in ⠀gamified marketing⠀ solutions? Contact us to learn how we can help you create engaging and effective marketing campaigns.